Nonprofit Communication and Fundraising Services from Nonprofit Lighthouse

View our sample packages and find the one that works best for your organization.

Not finding an exact match for what you need?
A full list of our services can be found below.

We would be happy to discuss a custom package or a la carte services with you.
Please contact for more information.

**although our services are geared toward nonprofit organizations,
we are happy to work with any type of business that would benefit from our services**

Getting StarteD

This is an ideal package for organizations that are just starting out, or are new to marketing and/or fundraising–it includes all the basics to get you started strong.

Branding refresh

This is an ideal package for organizations looking to invest in their marketing strategy – we’ll bring new life to your brand, increasing engagement, lead conversions, brand recognition, and more.

Grant & Grow

This is an ideal package for organizations looking to find new funding – we will guide you with best practices, grant readiness, research, and prep to make this year a financial success.

Additional Services Include:


‣ Content generation
‣ Website creation
‣ Website maintenance
‣ SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services
Email marketing
‣ Marketing collateral – print or web
‣ Photo and video services
    ‣‣ Photo and Video Editing
    ‣‣ Company Headshots
    ‣‣ Video Production
Basic Event Coverage
‣ Press releases
‣ Campaigns (ie: EOY giving)
Social media management
‣ Digital marketing assets audit (web, social, or both)
‣ Donor/Database management – CRM support, data migration, Salesforce, and more!


‣ Logos
‣ Business cards
‣ Annual report
‣ Social media static images (cover, profile, etc.)
‣ Flyers
‣ Stationery
‣ Displays
‣ Pamplets/brochures
‣ Book layout and design
‣ Invitations
‣ Event programs
‣ Menus
‣ Direct mail campaigns

‣ Posters
‣ Slide decks
‣ Company ephemera (swag / giveaways) ‣ Anything you can think of. No, really!


‣ Grant readiness assessment
‣ Fundraising strategy development
‣ Grant prospect research
‣ Funder cultivation / stewardship
‣ Letter of Inquiry (LOI) writing
‣ Proposal writing
    ‣‣ Foundation grants
    ‣‣ Corporate grants
    ‣‣ Local / state / federal government grants
        and performance-based funding
    ‣‣ United Way partner applications
‣ Proposal editing
‣ Narrative grant reporting
‣ Development team management (including remote teams)
‣ AmeriCorps program development